Personal Loan: An ideal financial solution to meet your cash crunch

'Your salary XXXX is credited to your bank account', is one of the best messages in your inbox. It would instantly set your mood for a minute. You will spend the next few days shopping around, pay EMIs on existing debts such as car loan, home loan, and meet other expenses as well. However, suddenly in the middle of the month, you realize that you have spent a major chunk of your salary and there comes an unexpected financial emergency such as: pay for your sibling's college fee or dad's medical bill. You will try to find out ways to borrow money from relatives or friends, however, every time it’s not possible. Thus, one of the perfect solutions for you is to avail the short-term personal loan . A lot of fintech companies and credit unions offer short-term personal loans to salaried individuals, who are in dire needs of finances during the mid-month. You can borrow as little as Rs 10,000 and can go up to Rs 2 lakhs at a time. e-lenders sanction loan based ...